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Home > Forms and Documents > Practice Agreements
Practice Agreements
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Practice Agreements

Access: Admin - > Admin -> Practice Agreements

Privileges: Admin -> PracticeAgreement

Practice Agreements feature allows you to get electronic signatures from patients via ReLiMed’s Patient Portal or KIOSK Self-Check in products.

Setup/Configuration: PDF documents of these agreements can be uploaded in the admin section which then are shown to patients when they login to their portal. If they accept an agreement, they will then stop showing on every login.


Click Add Agreement, you will see the popup shown below.

On the popup, click Browse, search and select the document you want to upload.

You can Select all Locations or select them for a specific location if you are a multi-location office. Language, StartDate, Version can be entered to further define an agreement.

Agreement Name is prepopulated from the document name; however, you can edit it if necessary.

All the fields with red * next to them are mandatory to save an agreement in admin screen.


Agreement Type: This is a customizable list that you can set up under User List Entry screen. It’s a required field to save an agreement. Example types include Financial Responsibility, HIPAA etc.

Agreement Scope: This defines whether scope of the document is User or Patient. User is a Patient Portal user, typically a portal user and patient are same. However, there can be a patient representative that can sign up as a portal user, we see this in Pediatric clinics where a parent signs up for portal access for their children.

If an agreement has a scope set for user, it will only be displayed once when they login if they are not signed up. However if an agreement is defined as Patient scope, and the patient representative has access to multiple patients in the practice, the agreements are displayed for each patient context for signatures.

Appointment Type: This field can be set up if you require your patients to sign documents related to service type. An example service would be taking patients consent for a procedure or a shot or a vaccine.

After entering all the information, Click Save. The document gets saved and will be displayed on the screen.

Clicking on View will display the document you uploaded. You can delete the document if its not longer tracked, and End date will be added and the agreement will no longer be enforced.

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