Apr 16, 2024
If you are running Windows through Mac Parallels and are noticing performance issues (slow downloads, timeouts, etc.), please review the following settings :
- Shutdown the Windows virtual machine.
- Open the virtual machine's configuration dialog.
- Select Options from the top toolbar menu.
- Select the Optimization option.
- Set the Resource Usage to No Limit
- Select Hardware from the top toolbar menu.
- Select the CPU & Memory option.
- At a minimum, ensure that the available RAM for Windows is 4 GB : Although Windows will run with 3 GB RAM, the performance will be degradaded.
- Select the Network option.
- Ensure the source is set to Bridged Network (choose the default adapter) : This step is extremely important, as it will ensure that Windows is acting as its own computer on the network. Otherwise, it will share the network resources with the host Mac.
Once the above settings have been confirmed, relaunch Windows and determine if the performance issues have been resolved.
Websites for setting up Parallels/Windows 10: