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Link Family Members
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Link Family Members

Navigation: Patient Demographics -> Link Family Members (Button)

This feature allows EMR users to link patients together. It helps import common data into newly added patient from an existing patient, without having to re-enter the same information for multiple patients.

You can add a new patient and with required fields (First and Last name, DOB and Gender) and save. It takes you to Patient Demographic screen. Here you can click on Link Family Member button.


When the Link Family Member is clicked, screen shown below pops up. You can search and select an existing patient from the system here, to link with this new patient. Then select the data sections you want to import. If you want to import all sections, check Select All, it will select all the sections with one click. Click on Link to import the data. 

Following information gets imported into the new patient record: Address, Phone, Email, Insurance, Personal Contacts, Family History. The patients are also virtually linked in the system at this time.

**Something to remember when you have more than 1 sibling to link to an account and you would all siblings to show the linking under patient demographics you will need to choose 1 sibling account and link all siblings under 1 account. Then when you search the other siblings accounts you will see the linking of the all siblings you had previously done in that first account. If this is not reflecting correctly you may need to start over and unlink siblings listed in each individual account. Then began this process again by choosing 1 account only to select all siblings to link to reflect this correctly. 

Note: if there is a data present for this new patient in a particular section, system will skip that section while importing. For example, if the new patients account already has Address entered, and in the Link popup, even if Address is selected, it will not be imported.

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